Start Opera Opera 9.5 Snapshot-Build 9562

Opera 9.5 Snapshot-Build 9562


Das Desktop Team hat erneut ein neues Snapshot-Build veröffentlicht und eine Reihe von Bugs behoben. Ferner sind sogar zwei neue Funktionen hinzugekommen.

Neue Funktionen

  • Added menu item to never reload a page (Right click > Reload every – Never)
  • (UNIX) When running Gnome, Opera will now use the native GTK file chooser when opening and saving files

Verschiedene, behobene Bugs

  • [BUG 255515] Chat should now work in Yahoo! Beta
  • [BUG 281879] Show only cached images should now work properly
  • [BUG 255304] Closing Speed Dial window fast after „delete private data“ shouldn’t crash Opera anymore
  • [BUG 282598] Passwords set to „never for this server“ can now be deleted again
  • [BUG 286084] Content blocker works again
  • [BUG 276354] Fixed bug where it was not possible to reconnect to mail server after disconnecting
  • [BUG 262786] Onload handler in script no longer fired before onload attribute of body element
  • [BUG 267384] JavaScript errors no longer reported as being in „Unknown thread“
  • [BUG 233022] data: URIs are no longer considered off-site images
  • Use ‚Today‘ when a mail was sent today, even if it’s in the future
  • [BUG 286186] There are no buttons in the customization dialog.
  • [BUG 274352] Upgrading with no mail/RSS accounts causes a mail upgrade that never finishes.

Windows spezifisch

  • Set default network from 128 back to 32. This might help with some stalling while loading pages on some systems
  • Fixed appearance of fonts in Speed Dial configuration dialog and Widgets when using Cleartype

Mac spezifisch

  • Fixed clipping of dialogs in Leopard
  • Fixed font display in Leopard
  • Smaller UI fonts
  • Fixed issue selecting icon

UNIX spezifisch

  • Made flash animations work again
  • BUG 276704] [qt4] Focusing documents in other tabs now switches to that tab as expected
  • [BUG 276959] [qt4] Tiling windows now works properly

Bekannte Probleme

  • [BUG 284849] Yahoo! Mail beta may crash Opera.
  • [BUG 286911] Flickr maps may crash Opera.
  • Google reader crashes Opera (same as ymail crash)
  • Won’t run correctly on Windows 95 or 98.
  • Won’t work correctly on Mac OS X 10.3.
  • OS X version may cause persistent freezes on start-up.
  • POP server cleaning has been disabled: When disabling the „Leave messages on server“ option, existing messages on the server are not removed.
  • [BUG 287170] On OS X, UI thumbnails have black backgrounds when using native skins.
  • [BUG 184894] Native OS X UI elements cannot be used in skins.
  • [BUG 280536] Opera on OS X will sometimes freeze when exiting Preferences.
  • [BUG 286384] Yahoo mail is broken.
  • [BUG 285741] Opera might freeze for a while when opening the feeds menu.
  • [BUG 271585] The last directory used is not remembered in the Save As and Open dialogs.
  • [BUG 264975] Graphical smilies do not work.
  • [BUG 280261] Removing messages from filters does not work.
  • [BUG 213115] Queued mail is sent at the next check, instead of waiting for manual action.

Windows Classic

[tags] Opera[/tags]

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