Die finale Veröffentlichung von Windows 8 und Windows Server 2012 rückt näher. Für letzteres hat Microsoft nun kostenlos ein auf der Beta-Version basierendes eBook veröffentlicht.
Introducing Windows Server 2012 umfasst rund 300 Seiten und fünf Kapitel zu verschiedenen Themen rund um die neue Server-Version
Chapter 1 The business need for Windows Server 2012
The rationale behind cloud computing Making the transition
Technical requirements for successful cloud computing
Four ways Windows Server 2012 delivers value for cloud computing Foundation for building your private cloudChapter 2 Foundation for building your private cloud
A complete virtualization platform
Increase scalability and performance Business continuity for virtualized workloadsChapter 3 Highly available, easy-to-manage multi-server platform
Continuous availability
Cost efficiency
Management efficiencyChapter 4 Deploy web applications on premises and in the cloud
Scalable and elastic web platform
Support for open standardsChapter 5 Enabling the modern workstyle
Access virtually anywhere, from any device
Full Windows experience
Enhanced security and compliance