eWeek waehlt Opera 9 zu den Topprodukten 2006

eWeek hat den Opera Browser in der Version 9 zu den Topprodukten 2006 gewählt.

It has a market share that is dwarfed by the No. 2 Web browser Firefox and is a minuscule spec compared with market leader Internet Explorer. The average Internet user has probably never even heard of it, never mind used it. But when it comes to strength of features, quality of interface and pace of innovation, Opera is the giant of the Web browser world. When we tested Opera 9 this year, we called it one of the best Web browsing tools that we had used in a long time and the subsequent releases of Firefox 2.0 and Internet Explorer 7 did nothing to change that opinion.

sagte Jim Rapoza zu der Wahl.

Das kann man nur beglückwünschen und sagen Opera hat die Wahl zu Recht gewonnen 😉

via OperaWatch

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